Mapler Ojiji's Log: November 20th 2006
FELLOW MAPLERS! My travels have taken me from Victoria island, Ossyria, El Nath, Aqua Road, Aqua Road Dungeon, Ludibrium, Omega Sector and finally to back to Victoria island again. What a lovely coincidence that right after I came back from
DarkDg has volunteered to be my personal Zipangu tour guide absolutely free of charge!
Sure is invigorating, it seems like ages since I’ve been to a brand new land. Monotony is the bane of an explorers existence!
Ah! What a cute little girl! I love how she matches her pink hibiscus flower with a pair of pink earrings. The pinkness complements her blonde hair very well indeed no?
Are you sure DarkDg?!
Upon closer inspection, I discover an adam’s apple as well as maple men’s armour! *faints*
I feel so cheated! Why does it have to be the boy with good fashion sense? :D
Ah, typical metrosexual :P
After that rather traumatizing experience, we got off the Ludibrium train and hopped on the ship toward
I thought I smelt something slightly garlic-y…
In such a crowd, even the smell of onions and fish is masked between all the body odour and smuggled durian.
It’s easy to traumatize people who are already traumatized…
Now for sure I KNOW this is a boy :D
I really was whispering to his pimple! It was saying, “Ojiji, your blog rox my sox!”
Hmm…all thanks to my brand new “Dr. Suess parfum eu de toilette” :D
I didn’t even know Alishar had released a new fragrance onto the maple market, it’s called, “Le Alishar Pes Pire”
The ZZzZzZz monster hit us without warning!
Just call me your Majesty!
Well, not everyone loves pancakes but three followers are good enough no?
Boy, are we hyper or what?
This is what I call Snow boarding, spy style :D
ONWARD to Kerning!
I wonder how they kept this Giant Pelican hidden after all this time?! He must have had a growth spurt :D
Well, stay tuned for the next post where you’ll see how DarkDg and myself brave the cherry blossomed lands of Zipangu, Zipangu is a really huge place so be prepared for a series of posts only in Zipangu. Until then, you can still send I more of your screenies. Have a good day and HAPPY MAPLING!
Much Love, Ojiji