Mapler Ojiji's Log: November 20th 2006
FELLOW MAPLERS! My travels have taken me from Victoria island, Ossyria, El Nath, Aqua Road, Aqua Road Dungeon, Ludibrium, Omega Sector and finally to back to Victoria island again. What a lovely coincidence that right after I came back from
DarkDg has volunteered to be my personal Zipangu tour guide absolutely free of charge!
Sure is invigorating, it seems like ages since I’ve been to a brand new land. Monotony is the bane of an explorers existence!
Ah! What a cute little girl! I love how she matches her pink hibiscus flower with a pair of pink earrings. The pinkness complements her blonde hair very well indeed no?
Are you sure DarkDg?!
Upon closer inspection, I discover an adam’s apple as well as maple men’s armour! *faints*
I feel so cheated! Why does it have to be the boy with good fashion sense? :D
Ah, typical metrosexual :P
After that rather traumatizing experience, we got off the Ludibrium train and hopped on the ship toward
I thought I smelt something slightly garlic-y…
In such a crowd, even the smell of onions and fish is masked between all the body odour and smuggled durian.
It’s easy to traumatize people who are already traumatized…
Now for sure I KNOW this is a boy :D
I really was whispering to his pimple! It was saying, “Ojiji, your blog rox my sox!”
Hmm…all thanks to my brand new “Dr. Suess parfum eu de toilette” :D
I didn’t even know Alishar had released a new fragrance onto the maple market, it’s called, “Le Alishar Pes Pire”
The ZZzZzZz monster hit us without warning!
Just call me your Majesty!
Well, not everyone loves pancakes but three followers are good enough no?
Boy, are we hyper or what?
This is what I call Snow boarding, spy style :D
ONWARD to Kerning!
I wonder how they kept this Giant Pelican hidden after all this time?! He must have had a growth spurt :D
Well, stay tuned for the next post where you’ll see how DarkDg and myself brave the cherry blossomed lands of Zipangu, Zipangu is a really huge place so be prepared for a series of posts only in Zipangu. Until then, you can still send I more of your screenies. Have a good day and HAPPY MAPLING!
Much Love, Ojiji
Nevermind, still first comment.Beware Ojiji, there are a lot of monsters that can kill you.Oh and there's MushDad too!But beware of Showa town,there are alot of gangsters there.There's a spa too, but beware of that place too.There are some perverts at the female spa.
she noes....mask and dg told her(which is me and dg)
oh but mushdad i forgot to tell her!but it nvr spawn!!!!
Too bad I cant tag a long. Too busy slacking
to lilbandit:
OMG, you know the perverts in the spa? *whispers*I'm one of them...
to gonrod:
woah mushdad?! what in the world?! where's he at?
in japan maple i think
to anonymous:
that means not in maplesea ah? hmmm...i wonder where body guard a and b are as well as the big boss. i heard big boss is insanely difficult to beat and super ugly also :D
*whispers back to Ojiji*What? You know you nedd a male priest right? And there's Lady Boss at the Parlour.
...bodyguard a and b and the old man-they were summoned at FM chn 20 1 time. and as fr mushdad, i can bring eu there, but....
1. the spawn rates is slow-20chn nt 1 had im
2. u probably die-his bodyguards are lucidas, rmb the blak cats that u went to with crazyhong?
ooh and no1 noticed that these2 posts were so fast! nice 1 ojiji new post so fast!!
ya! my charactrer is in ur blog-ur blog!-thks jon. lol another great post ojiji look forward to more posts
to all:
gahahahaha! i know so fast right? now free-er than usual. more posts coming up soon. see ya'll! :D
to orbicclawx:
actually i DID take ss of you :D hahaha! I take ss of everything! hehehe. happy mapling!
Everything? means if there are boys in the girls spa an you in the boys spa?
to lilbandit:
yeah i took boys in the girl's spa, so funny! what lil pervs :D
to ojiji
that time when the girls and I saw a boy in the spa, we attacked him but to bad we cant attack perv in the girls spa. So we scared them off =)
hey orbic u doing pq nowadays? sry i had to remove u from my buddy list! my sec school friends r all rushing in to maple! btw that time where u saw me-after like so long-i was acing.. so cant talk.. lol
dg she in the guild ordy...still can see when she on9 wad
niice p0st 0jiji :D heyy didn;t n0e u plae sh0 late in the niight sia :P h0p 2 c u in maple s0medae :D
Yea ojiji ure blog rox!!!
heyy ojiji will euu miind if ie liink eu 2 myy bl0g?
to dream2nite:
of course i won't mind! :D happy mapling!
HEY OJIJI i got 1/4 of my account back i have a claw and armour it is about time i got back my things
recruiting maplers in aquila into somerset
lv requirement:45
somerset full ler, srry(unless sum1 quits but its such a great guild why would u wanna quit)?
WAZ UP my fellow maplers.... yeh I know no one here. Im on GlobalMS... im guessing none of you are since your talking about mushdad..
Almost lvl 50 here. XD
well yeh.. not much to saaaay.
Is it ok for me to use some of your pics on my site? There good.
ckslider i play on gms
maybe u can be in one of my blog post i am gonna start it again soon i play on khaini and i am lvl 35
P.s. soulhealer65
What was that, Doc?
hydrocodone lortab
Update please?
Ojiji what part of south east asia are u from
malaysia? Thailand?
ahhhhhhhhhhhh what happened to the vitality here?
to all:
good luck and +oil
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You "naturally" bind to the nearest city that you come into range of. If you do a /loc you will find out what city you are nearest.
The only exceptions to this rule are if you die with karma; use a scroll of escape while you have karma; are a light elf in dark elven territory (you will go back to the light elven village); or are a dark elf in light elven territory (you will go back to the dark elven village).
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you will be able to post your fail maplestory videos and ill put it on and give credits to the owner of the video!
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