My sister Oshea recently sent me some pictures of her travels in Maple island and Victoria. She said she’ll be sending me more in the near future. Want to see how a REAL noob looks like? Here she is!
Awww, isn’t my baby sister adorable!
Here she is at Lith harbour, her virgin decent upon Victoria island. Sigh…I still remember the first time I set foot on what I thought was a God forsaken island, the wind in my hair, the sun in my face and a hole in my pocket. Argh, no mesos! Anyway, I wish her all the best in her travels and I hope she inherits my knack for terrorizing people. He he he…
I’m not sure what happened to my youngest sister, Oriri though. The last I heard was that she stayed on in maple island without even setting her axe onto a single snail and fell for the first male she saw there, which was this snobbish buffoon of a guy in mushroom town named Roger.
She laughed at every joke he told and always complimented on how big his feet were. As you might have guessed, they got hitched and now she’s tending to his garden and cleaning up after him in their mushroom of a house. Well, I hope she’s happy.
Ah well, that’s life for you isn’t it? One minute you’re on your way to become an almighty warrior and the next you’re the almighty homemaker. Speaking of unexpected incidents. I was taking a stroll around Kerning city recently when I bumped into these two very attractive young girls…in their underwear! As you perhaps know my perverted nature, I followed them around and took off my amour as well to reveal the cute pink undies that lay beneath that tough warrior exterior. Ah Liberation!
This boy joined in the undies parade…
And the taxi found it rather amusing as well…
Yeah, you should be happy you lucky as5hole!
As you might have guessed, this situation caused a lot of unwanted attention…
And being the shameless attention seeker I am, I wanted more!
And then! The fights broke out. It was like watching National Geographic’s “Mating season in the Savanna”
Anyway, that’s enough action for today. I shall keep you updated on my escapades very soon.
Much Love, Ojiji
heyya ojiji....
I posted at the wrong entry...aiks....sorry....i post back here again...
wonderful blog....kept my eyes on the screen for half an hour.....are u an aquilas player or bootes....?? wud b great if we could meet up but im bootes player....
anywayz...if u have a bootes acc bsure to whisper me! usually on......ign gotchagal or gotchagirl...ur bookmarked!
hihi sandra!
i'm (ojiji) on aquila but my sister (oshea) is in bootes. i'll ask her to find you or whisper to you if she's online. have a gd day!
much love, ojiji (hug hug hug) not gonna be on for a few days though.....ill find oshea too....^^...say hi to master friday for me!!......hehee
hey ojiji ! xD that guy, nokanoka in a few of your screenshots is my boyfriend. lol i didn't quite expect to see him in one your screenshots. interesting blog entries, some even made me laugh. happy mapling ~
correction. in this sentence ; lol i didn't quite expect to see him in one your screenshots (it was supposed to be one OF your screenshots). lol =/
oooooh, he's your bf? that's so kewl!!! :D awesome man, goes to show that you never know who i'm gonna take and post up here :D thanks for visiting! *hug hug hug*
ojiji i luv u for ur brillant works!if i were a boy i surely woo u!!n btw lets be buddies k?my ign is WadAMess n hope we can meet up one day(i can introduce u some cute boyz if u wan!)
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